
The Genesee Valley of western New York is known for its historic oak trees. Building a mean-value chronology of trees cored in this area will allow me to infer the general environmental conditions at a given time. Crossdating will allow me to be more confident in the dates assigned and yield accuracy to the values in the chronology. Droughts, for example can be inferred from years with consistently narrow rings within the chronology. This can be explored further through comparison with the Palmer drought severity index. Identifying growth releases of the cored trees will allow me to identify canopy disturbance events using time periods with consistently high values.

Materials and methods


  • Tree cores collected from the Genesee Valley by Dr. Chris Larsen and others
  • Personally collected tree ring-width data of oak trees in the form of CSV and compact files

Laboratory Methods:

  • Once in the lab, tree cores were sanded with progressively finer grit sandpaper until a smooth surface with visible ring boundaries was present. Tree rings were then measured using a stereomicroscope with crosshair reticle. The Velmex Tree Ring Measuring System (TA) was used along with a UniSlide Linear Stage connected to a computer via usb. Measurements were processed and saved in the MeasureJ2X program into the usable .rwl and .csv formats.

Loading Libraries


Study Area


Plotting the Tree-Ring Series

QuercusMaster <- read.rwl("")
## Attempting to automatically detect format.
## Detected a csv file.
plot(QuercusMaster, plot.type = "spag")

Correlation with Master

The correlation of each series with the master is calculated using interseries.cor() and the results are in the table below. Values of .32 or higher indicate a significant correlation and are in green. The field of dendrochronology is unique in the sciences in that series that don’t crossdate well with others should be excluded in order to more accurately assess growth response to environmental or climatic conditions (Carrer, 2011). In my study, I removed 18 series that fell below the significance threshold of 0.32 before detrending and checking for crossdating errors with corr.rwl.seg().
Interseries_Cor <- interseries.cor(QuercusMaster, prewhiten=TRUE,
#Changing column names

  kable(Interseries_Cor, digits = c(2, 4)) %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = T, position = "left", font_size = 13, fixed_thead = T) %>%
    row_spec(which(Interseries_Cor$Correlation >= .32), bold = T, color = "green", background = NULL) %>%
    scroll_box(width = "700px", height = "300px")
Correlation P-value
X15.16QA 0.52 0.0000
X16.16QA 0.34 0.0003
X35.4QA 0.48 0.0000
X37.4QA 0.38 0.0000
X38.8aQA 0.48 0.0000
X39.8QA 0.58 0.0000
X40.16QA 0.40 0.0000
X74.12QA 0.47 0.0003
X88.12QA 0.58 0.0000
X89.12QA 0.55 0.0000
X95.8QA 0.50 0.0000
X117.8QA 0.27 0.0001
X133.12QA 0.49 0.0000
X138.8QA 0.39 0.0000
X179.4QA 0.50 0.0000
X184.4QA 0.50 0.0000
X202.16QA 0.27 0.0020
X206.12QA 0.30 0.0000
X210.8QA 0.61 0.0000
X215.8QA 0.39 0.0000
X219.16QA 0.51 0.0000
X223.4QA 0.32 0.0000
X228.16QA 0.52 0.0000
X233.12QA 0.27 0.0004
X247.16QA 0.57 0.0000
X261.16QA 0.54 0.0000
X269.12QA 0.58 0.0000
X278.16QA 0.53 0.0000
X18.16QR 0.52 0.0000
X20.12QR 0.50 0.0000
X21.8QR 0.34 0.0002
X44.8QR 0.44 0.0000
X54.12QR 0.59 0.0000
X63.8QR 0.41 0.0057
X94.16QR 0.53 0.0001
X96.8QR 0.56 0.0000
X109.15QR 0.42 0.0245
X129.16QR 0.31 0.0001
X132.12QR 0.55 0.0000
X134.8QR 0.34 0.0050
X135.4QR 0.20 0.0058
X140.12QR 0.36 0.0006
X144.4QR 0.39 0.0001
X154.16QR 0.44 0.0001
X165.QR 0.47 0.0007
X172.12QR 0.62 0.0002
X180.12QR 0.58 0.0000
X181.8QR 0.39 0.0000
X182.12QR -0.28 0.9293
X183.8QR 0.16 0.1274
X187.12QR 0.54 0.0000
X194.12QR 0.49 0.0000
X205.8QR 0.29 0.0006
X207.4QR 0.48 0.0000
X213.12QR 0.59 0.0000
X217.12QR 0.48 0.0000
X227.11QR 0.27 0.0885
X229.4QR 0.48 0.0000
X236.12QR 0.34 0.0175
X237.8QR 0.32 0.0000
X238.8QR 0.49 0.0000
X239.4QR 0.45 0.0001
X240.12QR 0.33 0.0000
X241.4QR 0.61 0.0002
X245.8QR 0.62 0.0000
X273.8QR 0.62 0.0000
X276.4QR 0.25 0.0099
X277.12QR 0.54 0.0000
X46.8QV 0.34 0.0000
X53.16QV 0.58 0.0000
X62.8QV 0.42 0.0050
X65.8QV 0.33 0.0033
X178.8QV 0.43 0.0001
X230.16QV 0.29 0.0001
X248.4QV 0.48 0.0000
X274.8QV 0.54 0.0000
X125.12QP 0.44 0.0000
X22.12QM 0.27 0.0006
X23.8QM 0.16 0.0294
X79.8QM 0.28 0.0017
X36.16QMu 0.48 0.0000
X77. 0.45 0.0000
X92. 0.16 0.0419
X118. 0.27 0.0013
X224. 0.03 0.3299
X235. 0.39 0.0000


Crossdating is of absolute importance in dendrochronology. It involves identifying similar patterns in radial growth between multiple trees and applying those patterns to trees of unknown dates in order to ascertain the correct tree age. It also assures that only trees with similar responses to the environment are included in a chronology. In the case of my cores, I am already able to accurately assign dates, since the trees were living at the time of coring and I have the dates of measurement. In R, crossdating is done with corr.rwl.seg. The argument seg.length specifies the length of the segments to crossdate. I chose the segment length to be 50 years, which is likely the longest segment that I should use, since the average series length is approximately 100 years. By default, the overlap for the segments is half of the segment length, 25 years. The pcrit argument specifies the critical value for the correlation. The blue segments on the plot below represent a significant correlation and thus crossdating success for that segment, while the red represent low correlations and potential crossdating issues.
QuercusMaster_exclude <- subset(QuercusMaster, select= -c(X182.12QR, X224., X92., X23.8QM, X183.8QR, X135.4QR, X117.8QA, X233.12QA, X276.4QR, X202.16QA, X118., X62.8QV, X230.16QV, X129.16QR, X205.8QR, X79.8QM, X206.12QA, X22.12QM, X118.))

Cross_SEGS <- corr.rwl.seg(QuercusMaster_exclude, seg.length = 50, pcrit = 0.10)

Detrending the Series

Mean Value Chronology

Building a Mean Value Chronology out of the .rwi object created above using chron(). By default, chron() uses Tukey’s biweight robust mean, which is unaffected by outliers and thus is a more accurate representation of the data. The plot below plots the newly created mean chronology. The second and third arguments of plot(), add.spline and nyrs add a smoothing spline with a wavelength (period) of 20 years. To add clarification, the rwi, or ring-width index involves dividing each of the ring-width series by the growth trend and represents standardization of the chronology (Bunn, 2008).
QuercusMaster.crn <- chron(QuercusMaster.rwi, prefix = "CRN")

plot(QuercusMaster.crn, add.spline=TRUE, nyrs=20)

PDSI Correlation

A comparison of the mean value chronology and the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) for June/July/August shows a probable correlation. The PDSI represents moisture availability in an area and is a conglomerate of temperature, precipitation, and soil properties (Sheppard, 2010). In many cases, annual variance in ring width can be explained by moisture conditions. I’ve highlighted 6 of the indicator years (years with consistently wide or narrow ring widths) in the chronology in the first graph below. The very narrow annual growth in these years consistent across the 68 included series can be explained by drought conditions in the same or previous year of growth. In the second graph, the RWI chronology is plotted against the meteorological PDSI (NCDC, 2016). The resulting R-squared value is 0.63 indicating a moderately strong positive correlation.
PDSI <- read.csv("")
Cook_PDSI <- read.csv("")
QChron <- read.csv("")

Chron_vs_PDSI <-
  ggplot() + 
  geom_line(data = QChron, aes(x = Year, y = Value, color = "RWI")) +
  geom_line(data = PDSI, aes(x = Year, y = Value/8, color = "PDSI_Met")) +
  geom_line(data = Cook_PDSI, aes(x = Year, y = Value/8, color = "PDSI_Cook")) +
  geom_vline(xintercept=1965, linetype = "dotted")+
  geom_vline(xintercept=1909, linetype = "dotted")+
  geom_vline(xintercept=1936, linetype = "dotted")+
  geom_vline(xintercept=1991, linetype = "dotted")+
  geom_vline(xintercept=1895, linetype = "dotted")+
  geom_vline(xintercept=1868, linetype = "dotted")+
  geom_text(aes(x=1895, label="1895", y = 0.4), angle = 90) +
  geom_text(aes(x=1868, label="1868", y = 0.23), angle = 90) +
  geom_text(aes(x=1909, label="1909", y = 0.4), angle = 90) +
  geom_text(aes(x=1965, label="1965", y = 0.5), angle = 90) +
  geom_text(aes(x=1936, label="1936", y = 0.5), angle = 90) +
  geom_text(aes(x=1991, label="1991", y = 0.5), angle = 90) +
  scale_y_continuous(sec.axis = sec_axis(~.*8, name = "PDSI Values")) +
  ggtitle("Mean RWI Chronology & PDSI Values (Cook & Met)")+
  ylab("RWI Values")+
    values=c(RWI="red", PDSI_Met="blue", PDSI_Cook="dark blue"))


PDSI_RWI <- read.csv("PDSI_RWI.csv")
  ggscatter(PDSI_RWI, x = "PDSI", y = "RWI", add = "reg.line", cor.coef = TRUE, title = "RWI vs. PDSI 1895-2015")


Growth Releases

Growth releases are periods in a trees growth where ring-width is at least 25% greater than mean of both the preceding and subsequent 10 year period, and lasting several years (Nowacki & Abrams, 1997). A change of 50% signifies a major release. A growth release means that some type of disturbance event occurred near the tree. This includes death of nearby trees due to natural or human-driven causes. The function below, growthAveragingALL(), calculates growth releases in each series and produces graphs for each of the series in the chronology. One thing that stands out to me is that 7 trees experienced growth releases in 1991. Through taking measurements, 1991 was deemed what is called an indicator year. That is, a year that is consistently narrow across the majority of the tree cores. Through crossdating with the Palmer drought severity index (PDSI), this lack of growth was likely due to drought. What I find interesting about this is that three of the series, x133-12QA, x165-QR, and x187-12QR experienced significantly increased growth during this time. It is likely that these trees were smaller and in the understory, and death of a larger tree or trees in the canopy lead to in increase in available light and consequently, an increase in growth rate. Further analysis shows that there was a general increase in the number of growth releases with time (can be seen in last table). This is a product of an increase in sample depth with time. The final 10 years in the table showing zero growth releases just reflects the lack of a subsequent 10 year period to compare to.
Quercus_nopartials <- read.rwl("")
## Attempting to automatically detect format.
## Detected a csv file.
#Radial Growth Averaging for Quercus (all)
growthAveragingALL(Quercus_nopartials, releases = NULL, m1 = 10, m2 = 10, buffer = 10, prefix = "ga", drawing = TRUE, criteria = 0.25, criteria2 = 0.5, gfun = mean, length = 5, storedev = jpeg)
## [1] "## Nowacki & Abrams analysis!"
## [1] "Criteria 0.25 Criteria2 0.5 m1 10 m2 10 Buffer 10 Length 5"
## [1] "Total number of releases >= 0.25 & < 0.5 is 43"
## inyears
## 1824 1841 1842 1859 1863 1875 1882 1894 1901 1924 1927 1928 1930 1934 1936 
##    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    2    1    1 
## 1937 1938 1945 1948 1949 1957 1960 1967 1968 1973 1979 1985 1990 1991 1996 
##    2    1    1    1    1    2    1    1    2    1    3    1    1    3    1 
## 1997 1999 2001 2003 
##    1    1    2    1 
## [1] "Total number of releases >= 0.5 is 45"
## inyears
## 1830 1860 1868 1872 1875 1879 1896 1901 1903 1905 1912 1914 1916 1918 1922 
##    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    2    1    1    1    1    1    2 
## 1925 1930 1931 1934 1936 1942 1945 1955 1957 1958 1961 1964 1965 1967 1968 
##    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    2    1    1    1    1    1 
## 1969 1970 1974 1979 1990 1991 1994 2004 2005 
##    1    1    1    2    1    1    3    1    1
#Prefix "ga" just means that it's the growth average(ga).  If this was for the absoluteIncreaseALL() function, I would put the prefix as "ai" for absolute increase.
# Define variable containing url
GA_165 <- ""
GA_133 <- ""
GA_187 <- ""
Growth_Depth <- read.csv("Growth_Depth.csv")

#Changing column names
names(Growth_Depth)[2]<-"Sample Depth"
names(Growth_Depth)[3]<-"Trees with Growth Releases"

kable(Growth_Depth) %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover"), font_size = 15) %>%
  row_spec(which(Growth_Depth$`Trees with Growth Releases` >= 3), bold = T, color = "red", background = NULL) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "500px", height = "600px")
Year Sample Depth Trees with Growth Releases
1808 1 0
1809 1 0
1810 1 0
1811 1 0
1812 1 0
1813 1 0
1814 1 0
1815 1 0
1816 1 0
1817 1 0
1818 2 0
1819 2 0
1820 2 0
1821 2 0
1822 2 0
1823 2 0
1824 2 1
1825 3 0
1826 3 0
1827 3 0
1828 3 0
1829 3 0
1830 4 1
1831 4 0
1832 4 0
1833 5 0
1834 5 0
1835 5 0
1836 5 0
1837 6 0
1838 6 0
1839 6 0
1840 6 0
1841 6 0
1842 6 1
1843 6 0
1844 7 0
1845 8 0
1846 8 0
1847 8 1
1848 8 0
1849 8 0
1850 8 0
1851 8 0
1852 8 0
1853 8 0
1854 8 0
1855 9 0
1856 9 0
1857 9 0
1858 9 0
1859 9 1
1860 9 1
1861 9 0
1862 9 0
1863 9 1
1864 9 0
1865 9 0
1866 9 0
1867 9 0
1868 9 1
1869 10 0
1870 11 0
1871 11 0
1872 11 1
1873 11 1
1874 12 0
1875 12 2
1876 12 1
1877 13 0
1878 14 0
1879 15 1
1880 16 0
1881 16 0
1882 16 1
1883 16 1
1884 16 1
1885 16 1
1886 16 0
1887 16 0
1888 16 0
1889 16 1
1890 16 0
1891 16 0
1892 17 0
1893 17 1
1894 18 1
1895 19 0
1896 21 2
1897 21 2
1898 21 0
1899 21 1
1900 21 0
1901 22 2
1902 22 1
1903 22 2
1904 22 0
1905 23 2
1906 23 0
1907 27 0
1908 29 1
1909 30 0
1910 30 0
1911 31 0
1912 31 1
1913 31 0
1914 33 1
1915 33 0
1916 34 2
1917 35 1
1918 36 1
1919 37 0
1920 37 0
1921 37 0
1922 37 2
1923 37 0
1924 37 1
1925 38 1
1926 39 1
1927 39 2
1928 40 1
1929 42 0
1930 42 3
1931 42 2
1932 43 0
1933 44 0
1934 45 2
1935 46 2
1936 46 2
1937 46 3
1938 47 2
1939 47 0
1940 47 0
1941 47 0
1942 48 1
1943 48 1
1944 48 0
1945 49 2
1946 50 0
1947 50 0
1948 50 1
1949 52 2
1950 52 0
1951 53 0
1952 53 1
1953 54 0
1954 54 0
1955 54 3
1956 54 1
1957 54 4
1958 55 2
1959 55 0
1960 55 2
1961 55 2
1962 55 0
1963 55 0
1964 56 3
1965 58 1
1966 59 2
1967 59 2
1968 59 3
1969 59 1
1970 59 2
1971 60 4
1972 61 0
1973 62 2
1974 62 3
1975 62 3
1976 62 1
1977 62 0
1978 64 0
1979 64 4
1980 64 1
1981 64 1
1982 64 1
1983 64 0
1984 64 0
1985 64 1
1986 65 0
1987 65 1
1988 66 0
1989 66 0
1990 67 2
1991 67 7
1992 68 0
1993 68 1
1994 68 4
1995 68 2
1996 68 4
1997 68 1
1998 68 0
1999 68 2
2000 68 1
2001 68 2
2002 68 0
2003 68 2
2004 68 3
2005 68 4
2006 68 1
2007 68 3
2008 68 0
2009 68 0
2010 68 0
2011 68 0
2012 68 0
2013 68 0
2014 68 0
2015 68 0
2016 68 0
2017 68 0


The 86 oak trees as a part of this study were found spatially dispersed in the Genesee Valley from Irondequoit southward to Dalton, NY. A variety of different microclimates exist across this relatively broad area in Western New York. The trees in this study ranged in age from 25 to 212 years old. The range of different environmental conditions and ages of these trees made extracting a strong climate signal difficult. Through detrending, calculating correlations, and crossdating, I was able to build a chronology of 68 oaks, each sharing a significant correlation with the master chronology and thus common responses to environmental conditions. When compared to the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI), a significant relationship (R = .63) was found. This affirms that the annual variance in ring width in these trees can be explained by moisture conditions. This yields multiple benefits; first that the growth of these trees could be used to reconstruct past climate, and second that future growth of these trees could be forecasted based on future climate predictions. Growth releases in years of drought, or immediately following drought conditions (as determined by PDSI values) are likely to have been caused by the death of nearby trees less resilient to dry conditions. Releases surrounded by years of abundant available moisture are likely to have been caused by other factors which could be explored with further analyses.


Bunn AG. (2008). A dendrochronology program library in R (dplR). Dendrochronologia, 26, 115–124.

Carrer, M. (2011). Individualistic and time-Varying tree-ring growth to climate sensitivity. PloS one, 6(7), e22813. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0022813

National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). (2016). climdiv-pdsidv-v1.0.0-20160204 [Data File]. Retrieved from

Nowacki GJ & Abrams, MD. (2008). Radial-growth averaging criteria for reconstructing disturbance histories from presettlement-origin oaks. Ecological Monographs, 67.

Sheppard, PR. (2010). Dendroclimatology: extracting climate from trees. WIREs Climate Change, 1(3), 343-352.

Sullivan PF, Pattison, RR, Brownlee, AH, Cahoon SMP, & Hollingsworth, TN. (2016). Effect of tree-ring detrending method on apparent growth trends of black and white spruce in interior Alaska. Environmental Research Letters, 11 (11).